NKO Summercamp. Friendship across borders.

Friendship across borders.

Wonderful moments with our big global family.

Training sessions filled with hard work,


competence and

team building,

all this together with wonderful and unique personalities,

our extended family.


Fana Karateklubb

A fine bouquet of Fana flowers attended this year’s summer camp at Moi, Lundheim.

We all loved every moment of it and are hungry for more.

Quality Time.

Moment with low shoulders,

laughter and

the good conversation,

here with some of the family members.

Thank you all (also those not in the photo)

for good memories during the 2019 NKO summercamp at Moi.

Wish you all a continued good summer. 


Thank you

A warm thank you to the organizer: NKO with Eigersund KK in Lead.

Our great resources from Poland Sensei Agata Winiarska and Mateusz Golomb, a great thank you.

All clubs with respective participants from all corner – you are precious, there would be no summer camp without you, hence a warm thank you all.


Sensei Ingrid


For those being patient, more info will follow in due course so hang with us