Wisdom & Strength morning session 1st April

Wisdom & Strength

This Saturday 1st April 2017, Shihan Howard Collins, 8th Dan honoured Fana Karateklubb with his presence. Not only was he present, he made sure that we were all there fully focused on the real sense of the words «Wisdom & Strength». Everybody may train to be strong, however, what it takes to achieve wisdom is a different case for a karate ka. Sosai’s Oyama’s philosophy was referred to and the participants were all challenged in order to understand what it takes to achieve both wisdom and strength hand in hand. We couldn’ have had a better instructor in this topic than the Shihan Collins, said to be the nearest we may come to our Grand Master and founder of Kyokushin, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama.

Kihon, Compinations, Kata and Bunkai

This morning session provided food for hungry people, we can clearly state. It took focus and real precense to catch up with Shihan’s message this 1st of April early morning.

Steep Learning Curve

All participants claimed to have a significant learning curve this specific morning thanks to Shihan Collins and his unique way of sharing his competence and experience with each and everyone in the group.

The time passed too quickly like it always does when your’e up to something special and good. Thank you Shihan Collins for what you are and what you share and give of yourself. We cherish the time you share with us.

Session of special value

Based on the fact that this was a minor group of karate kas, this offered a unique approach to each of the participants, whoe were then closely followed up by Shihan who was in brilliant shape indeed this morning.

He shared generously good advise to everyone, in order to bring along the way into the future. Use it or lose it. Wisdom and strangth was the approach to this morning session as well. No waste of time.


Global Facebook Page of Fana Karateklubb

You are welcome to visit our global FB page where this article is also posted as agreed with the training camp participants.

Wisdom and Strength, Morning session with Shihan Collins 1st April 2017

Shihan Collins 1st April 201 Morning Session

Eirik into his kata

Mattis into his kata early morning session 1st April 2017

Focused Theodor.

Wisdom and strength. Focus. Full attention to the message of Shihan Collins